Whilst visiting IKEA as part of our Valentine's day celebrations (we really know how to do date night!), my partner bought me Geoff the Dragonosaur hand puppet. I call him a Dragonosaur because he looks like a cross between a dragon and a T-rex. My love for toys and stuffed animals is well known to my family and has increased since I started working with kids.
This is Geoff:
I fell in love with him because he was so odd and unique. I thought he would be fun to use for doing story time next year.
And yesterday I had a thought. Why not write some stories about Geoff that I can tell to the kids. A puppet with his own stories would be far more interesting than a puppet acting out someone else's stories.
So, I am determined that once I've got my Masters out of the way in a few months time, I'm going to embark on the job of writing some short stories about Geoff. I'll be aiming them at the Nursery to Year 2 kids, so what kinds of themes should I touch on?
I thought, mixed race family - Geoff's parents are a dragon and a dinosaur and therefore they have different background and speak different languages. Fits in well for my school where many kids have Asian and European parents and speak many languages.
So what else? All ideas welcome!