Friday, 1 October 2010

BBW Day 5

And so it comes to an end. This has been an amazing week for me. We often struggle through the year doing the same old things over and over again, and while this has been incredibly hard work in the end I'm so happy we did it. It has raised our profile and given us something to look forward to everyday. They say a change is as good as a rest and I think that doing Banned Books Week has really reinvigorated my staff. They've been smiling all week and chatting with staff and students about books. I've really seen a change in them. We've promoted a really important issue and educated a large number of people about how important it is to have free access to information.

I have been completely and utterly rushed off my feet this week and now my body is really feeling it. I've told the girls that if I'm ill next week it's because my body has been run into the ground. But I don't mind. My mental health has never been stronger because for the first time in a long time I have been really happy about being at work.

Midday marks the end of our BBW competition for students and staff. We've only had a handful of staff entries and only 1 student entry. It's probably my own fault for not advertising it enough but hey. At least someone will win something. Now I've done a major event in the Library I can learn from all the mistakes I've made and make the next one better.

I hope that those of you who have been following have enjoyed my posts this week. It's really important to me that I'm writing about things that people are interested in reading. If you have any questions about things that I've blogged about this week or any week for that matter just leave me a comment and I will try to answer.

Thanks again for reading and have a great weekend!


  1. HI, I don't have a library blog but I thought I would like to share this. It's a site about prize winning book blogs.

    Glad you had such a good Banned Books Week. I had a grade 6 student who decided that she would read Satanic Verses out loud in honour of the author. She was just getting started when her teacher said it was time to return to class. She was very annoyed.

  2. Mary Jane Murray7 October 2010 at 11:25

    Wow Emma....your BBW project is impressive. You must be proud of that accomplishment. I'm proud to know the librarian who pulled it off...Bravo!
